August • 2020
Judy is a pleasure to work with. She's hardworking, has great ideas, is organized, and is a terrific one-woman producer/editor/shooter. Her footage is well composed and shot. And she has great editing skills. -Meggie
Shanghai, China
13 reviews$300 - $2000 / Day
Request QuoteHi, I am a NYC-based multimedia storyteller who is experienced in video production and digital content creation. I am a fast-learner and problem-solver. Please feel free to contact me if you are interested in collaboration! Thank you!
August • 2020
Judy is a pleasure to work with. She's hardworking, has great ideas, is organized, and is a terrific one-woman producer/editor/shooter. Her footage is well composed and shot. And she has great editing skills. -Meggie
April • 2021
Meggie Miao comments: Once Judy figured out the script and made it more personal and with details, the animation came together. As always, Judy does a great job on the hand-drawn animation. Very charming.
May • 2021
Meggie Miao's comment: Judy worked very hard on the piece, which had audio syncing issues. She ended up putting it together seamlessly and it turned out to be a very fun piece.
Produced for Voice of America
Under the Trump administration’s “Buy American and Hire American” policy, getting a work visa in the US for international students and foreign workers is becoming increasingly difficult. They are presented with challenges such as finding a sponsorship company, a lottery and face strict scrutiny. Read more of the story:
Produced for Voice of America
Produced for Voice of America
Produced for Voice of America
China leads the world on mobile payments. While Americans are still using credit cards, debit cards, checks, cash, and a lot of apps to survive, Chinese consumers can enjoy their life with a smartphone only.
Production Support
Post Production