Produced for wdv Gesellschaft für Medien & Kommunikation mbH & Co. OHG
AOK Gesundheitskurse:
The new year usually begins with good intentions ... At the turn of the year, we implemented animations for the health courses of the AOK NORDWEST for social media. The animations show an overview of the health courses in the areas of exercise, smoke-free, nutrition, and relaxation. The goal was to generate colorful, funny content that makes you want to participate. In addition, a pre-roll was implemented for each category, as well as a longer version for integration into the microsite. -
Client AOK NordWest -
Agency: wdv Gesellschaft für
Medien und Kommunikation mbH und Co. OHG -
Imahes: shutterstock, stocksy
Year of production: 2017
- Motion Graphics Designer
- Digital Content Creator
- Animator / Visual Effects Artist