Produced for TRT World Digital
OP-ED: '' Can Hungary become the EU’s key military actor in the Sahel? ''
- Reporter / Journalist
İstanbul, Türkiye
3 reviews$250 - $500 / Day
Request QuoteAs a graduate of Yeditepe University, Department of Political Science and International Relations, he received his master's degree from Plymouth University, Department of International Relations and Global Security. He continues his PhD studies at the Strategy and Security Studies Program of the National Defense University. His work mainly focuses on non-state armed groups (NSAGs), while disarmament, demobilization and reintegration (DDR) processes is among his areas of interest. He works as a North African Studies Researcher at the Center for Middle Eastern Studies (ORSAM). He is proficient in English and has good knowledge of German. In addition to scholarly works, his commentaries and opinions appeared in international media outlets including Al Jazeera English, Middle East Monitor and Politics Today.
Produced for TRT World Digital
Produced for TRT World Digital
Produced for TRT World Digital
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