Produced for Sixteen By Nine Media
Everyone faces rejections. Some get rejected by people, some by society, and some get rejected by life itself. Rejections are really devastating and can break anyone completely. Especially when your loved ones reject you. You fall shorter even though you have the ability to achieve everything in your life. When you meet rejection, you start walking into the dark. And the worse happens when your life rejects you. Either you run from reality or you just stop where you are and do whatever comes your way! This lockdown has taught us the importance of people we have in our life, our health, and lives. In this particular story, we have shown how rejection can destroy one’s life. This pandemic has made us face our nightmares daily. Organ Trade was one of them. Either by some professionals or by such gangsters this Disgusting and Scary thing has taken place in our lives. This story will take you back to the flashback of those dark memories of the past 6 months.
- Video Editor - Documentary
- Creative Director