Profile photo of Thomas S.

Thomas S.

Los Angeles, CA, USA

$800 - $5000 / Day


French born, Thomas grew up in Reunion Island, spending his time between the ocean and the movie theaters. After graduating with a Bachelor's Degree of Film Production in Australia, Thomas travelled the world for a number of years from his Dubai base, expanding his knowledge and developing his sensitivity whilst filming everything he saw. Having relocated to Los Angeles in 2018, he has perfected his eye and established his voice and versatility as both a cinematographer and director, with an ever growing body of work in all areas of the industry. Thomas loves storytelling and is a collaborator at heart. It's as simple as that.

Top Services

Commercial DP
Creative Director
Video Editor - Commercial

Top Projects



  • 4K Camera
  • Action Camera


  • Lavalier Microphone


  • Shoulder Rig

All Services

Production Support

  • Commercial DP
  • Documentary DP
  • Production Assistant

Post Production

  • Video Editor - Commercial
  • Video Editor - Documentary


  • Creative Director
  • Production Company