LAG: A Zoomsical Comedy
"LAG: A Zoomsical Comedy" is the worlds first original zoomsical and was recently named one of the "19 Unmissable Online Theatre Experiences" by American Express Essentials Magazine. LAG is a new musical comedy, devised, written, and produced by musical theatre artists over Zoom in April and May of 2020, all while adhering to social distancing guidelines. Created by composer Haddon Kime after a commission by Out of Hand Theater in Atlanta, GA, it tells the story of a class on meditation and self-care practices that has recently made the move to Zoom due to the COVID-19 crisis. Four students and an instructor bravely attempt to attain inner peace in this new online environment which is beset with all the distractions and frustrations of our "new normal." Will they overcome glitchy technology, and the deep fear of losing everything, or will they implode in the process?
- Music Composer
- Creative Director