Sucre - Light Up Music Video
Live music video.
- Documentary DP
- Video Editor - News
Springfield, MO, USA
$1200 - $1500 / Day
Request QuoteBrandon Goodwin is the co-owner of Blend Studio. He believes in simple storytelling and the power of good photography. Based in Springfield, Missouri, his video production work has taken him to four continents, a dozen countries and well over half the United States. Brandon has a decade's experience collaborating on projects of all shapes and sizes with a variety of clients, including record labels, non-profits, and advertising agencies. Recently Brandon worked as DP & Editor for the documentary, "Linotype: The Film".
Live music video.
Produced for Enactus
The Chairman & CEO of the Coca-Cola Company shares how Enactus students in Germany are envisioning a way to help people see better.
April fools joke for a lifestyle blog.
Documentary style commercials for Don Wessel Honda in Springfield, MO
The rap to end all raps! At least regarding bike safety anyways. We all know the angst between cyclists and drivers, but it doesn't have to be that way. We can all love each other and get along, if both sides play fair and follow the rules of the road. Check out this rap video to hear all about it....
"Linotype: The Film" is a feature-length documentary centered around the Linotype type casting machine. Called the "Eighth Wonder of the World" by Thomas Edison, it revolutionized printing and society. The film tells the surprisingly emotional story of the people connected to the Linotype and how it impacted the world. linotypefilm.com
Production Support
Post Production