October • 2021
Great working with Cecilia!
Choachí, Cundinamarca, Colombia
3 reviews$40 - $60 / Day
Request QuoteCecilia Traslaviña, animator and visual artist. Master in Literature. She is a professor in the Department of Visual Arts at Javeriana University in Bogotá, Colombia. Her work has different approaches: a personal side where she explores memories and the unconscious from nonlinear narratives in consonance with techniques of the visual arts. Also, she has collaborated with multiple artists and audiovisual schools in the creation of collective artworks, animated documentaries addressing topics from an experimental perspective. She has curated programs about experimental Colombian and Latin American animation which has been presented in multiple venues around the world. She is an active member of Moebius-Animación (www.moebiusaniamcion.com), whose objective is to amplify the voices of Latin American experimental animation. Her works have been selected in many national and international film festivals around the world.
October • 2021
Great working with Cecilia!
Produced for TelevisaUnivision
Produced for Universidad del Rosario
My Story: The Children Who Fought War in Colombia is a series of 24 short animations, which recount the horrors of forced recruitment and the participation of children and teenagers in more than five decades of conflict. The (auto)biographical animations are the result of storytelling workshops, in which former child combatants shared their experiences of violence to create short films in partnership with young animators and students of animation from Bogotá. The project is divided into three chapters. The first explores the lives of former child soldiers from across Colombia. The second focuses on the Amazon region of Vaupés and the indigenous communities that live there. The Amazon region is often neglected in narratives of conflict in Colombia. The impact of war on generations of indigenous youngsters has been largely ignored. The third and final chapter includes animations made by children and teenagers themselves. These young survivors of conflict are students at Benposta, a school and community for former child combatants in Bogotá. The project was funded by a grant from the Global Challenges Research Fund, awarded by the United Kingdom Arts and Humanities Research Council and in association with the University of Leeds, la universidad del Rosario, the Colombian Truth Commission and Benposta. Mi Historia is part of Changing the Story, a participatory art-based project, based at the University of Leeds in the UK, which examines the lives of young people in 12 post-conflict countries.
Viviendo en los bordes se refiere al cuerpo como frontera porosa entre lo que se siente y lo que proyecta, trata sobre el cuerpo que no corresponde a ideas fijas y estáticas, sobre el cuerpo inestable que vibra y se expresa vitalmente con un amplio repertorio de posibilidades para enfrentarse a la realidad en la que estamos inmersos.
Produced for TelevisaUnivision
Produced for TelevisaUnivision
Memorias y caminos es un espacio para compartir breves narrativas de origen autobiográfico y de carácter literario enriquecido, es decir, un texto que combina imágenes, video, audios e interacciones para potenciar el propósito narrativo. El usuario de memorias y caminos explorará una interfaz dinámica que lo llevará aleatoriamente a entradas que ambientan y cuentan a su manera la historia, y también encontrará el texto para leerla. La invitación es a explorar e interactuar con la plataforma libremente, sin la presión de una secuencia y bajo el placer del extravío laberíntico. Proyecto apoyado por la Vicerrectoría de investigación de la Universidad Javeriana.
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Post Production