Israeli elections are being fought by annexing Palestinian land
Op-Ed on Israeli elections
- Reporter / Journalist
Birmingham, UK
10 reviews$250 - $500 / Day
Request QuoteI am a British Palestinian Engineering Professor and writer on Middle East affairs, specialising in the Palestine and Israel conflict. I have regularly written opinion and analysis pieces in the Middle East Eye, Middle East Monitor, TRT World and the Arab Weekly. My articles are easy to read and often articulate ideas that are out of the box. I make regular appearances in English and Arabic media on the conflict. My twitter handle is @kamelhawwash
Op-Ed on Israeli elections
Opinion article on Israel’s labelling of six Palestinian Human Rights NGOs as terrorist
This article contrasts the actions of Palestinian medic Razan Al-Najjar with IS UN Ambassador Nikki Haley. Razan was shot and killed by an Israeli sniper as she tended to wounded Palestinians, while Haley was scheming to oppose a Security Council Resolution to provide protection for Palestinians like Razan. The article was share over 16k times.
I wrote this opinion piece on the 100th anniversary of the Balfour Declaration which was a significant point in the creation of Israel. I argued that he had more right to offer Wales to the Zionist movement than he did Palestine. I worked with the publisher to develop maps that brought a visual perspectives be to the piece which enhanced it. It has been shared over 36k times.
In this article, I argued that Israel cannot gave it both ways. It opposes boycotts when applied to it but at the same time wants to see sabctionsxapplied against states and entities which it opposes. Duvet to it’s weekly cycle, I have to pick ideas which do not date from the time of pitching to publication.
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