Greg F.
Houston, TX, USA
$300 - $800
2 reviewsI started making films when I was a teenager and shot some film for a TV station when I was in college. When digital video cameras came on the scene in the 1990s, my employer at the time, the Voice of America, began a program to provide video stories online and to affiliate stations around the world. I was the first correspondent to jump on that opportunity, in 1997, and continued shooting video until I retired in June, 2017. In most cases I shot the video and did the interviews for the story, then wrote it, voiced the narration and edited the package. Since then I have been involved in projects of my own and have shot video for a cosmetic commercial and for a YouTube channel host. I have also been involved in some film contests in Houston.
- News Shooter / Video Journalist
- Documentary DP
- Fixer
- Production Assistant