Dilshad A.
Richmond, VA, USA
$250 - $1000
1 reviewDilshad D. Ali is the Blog and Content Editor of The Haute Take, the media arm of Haute Hijab, which covers all things pertaining to Muslim women. Prior to Haute Hijab, Ms. Ali was the managing editor of Patheos Muslim at Patheos.com and the editor of Altmuslim, a microsite at Patheos, where she managed a team of nearly 30 columnists, contributors and bloggers, as well as blogging on the intersection of faith, family and autism at The Muslimah Next Door. She has covered Muslims and Islam in America for more than 20 years for a variety of media outlets, including The Atlantic, The New York Times, Religion News Service, Islam-Online.net (before it became About Islam), Newsweek, Azizah Magazine, Illume Magazine, Islamica magazine and Beliefnet. Ms. Ali has appeared on CNN, MTV, NPR. She has expertise in editing, reporting, writing, managing teams of writers and journalists, project management, social media campaigns and more.
- Reporter / Journalist
- Senior Editor