Albert L.
Washington, DC, USA
$500 - $2500
2 reviewsAugust 2014 – November 2020
Freelancing for national and international video-productions in the DMV- &Tri-State-Area, NIH, Oracle-University. Life-stream, LiveU, multi- and remote-camera productions.
2020 Oxford, MS Film Festival, camera for 3 short documentaries in the official program
Beyond the Brink” Documentary 2018 Camera Department
February 2012 – August 2014
Employed and partnered with Yellow Cat Productions Inc. in Washington, DC until August 31. 2014.
Documentary projects for the Smithsonian Museum,
WDR-West German Television, “American Homeplace” a long term documentary project. In addition, working for international and national TV Broadcasters and Film/Video Productions in the DC/NY-East cost area.
Summer Camp instructor for “Beginning Filmmakers” at The Little Theater of Alexandria.
Member of TIVA.
February 2010 – January 2012
Freelancing for ARD-German Television, France Television, Swiss Television and other international and national TV Broadcasters and Film/Video Productions in the DC/NY-East cost area.
Evacuated after the earthquake of January 12th 2010, with spouse and 5year old son, by USAID (Employer of my wife Katherine) from Haiti to Washington, DC. Co-production for UNESCO in Haiti.
Member of WIFV and TIVA 2010-2016
November 2008 – January 2010
Move to Port-au-Prince/Haiti
Productions for the Restavek Foundation and German Film/TV
May 2007 – October 2008
Move to Pretoria/South Africa and Paternity leave
National and international co-productions in South Africa for Al Jazeera, France24, N24-German Television and independent Corporate productions.
February 2003 – April 2007
Senior Cameraperson and Trainer for national and international, civilian and military staff of the UN-peacekeeping mission, MONUC in the D.R.Congo. Corporate for VODACOM, CELLTEL
Trainer and Supervisor for Filmmaking with multimedia postgraduate- classes at the FAWAcademy/Fortbildungs Akademie der Wirtschaft/Advanced trainings academy of business, Cologne Germany
October 1997- January 2003
Independent national and international documentary productions for ARTE/Franco German TV -Network, DW/German International Broadcasting Organization, HR/Hessian Broadcasting (public broadcaster for the German state of Hesse), NDR/Northern German public Broadcaster, UNTV, ZDF (Second German public Television) and other broadcasters, independent national and international Film- and TV- Productions.
January 1994 – October 1997
Freelance Camera-Person for national and international public Broadcasters, Film- and TV-Productions
June 1988 - December 1993
Freelance-Assistant for Film and Video, Broadcast Audio,
Cameraman for Deutsche Welle/DW, West German Television/WDR, ZDF and independent national and international Film- and TV- Productions.
Nov. 1985 – May 1988
Assistant at Film-Studio-Kurt-Pit Mueller KPM, Bergisch-Gladbach, Germany
1986-2002 Member of the Cologne-Film-House.
1990 Film workshop with academy award nominated cinematographer Slawomir Idziak.
1992 Film workshops at the European Summer-Academy at the Academy of the Arts in Berlin “Masters of light” with Academy Award-winning and nominated cinematographers Henri Alekan, Haskell Wexler, Billy Williams and director Wim Wenders.
1993 Production Assistant for award winning director Peter Greenaway’s “The Baby of Macon”
1997 Seminary for Documentary Film with German award winning Axel Engstfeld
2006 Celltel Launch with Jazz-Legend Manu Dibango, in Kinshasa, D.R.Congo. DOP and First Camera
2005 “Un Amour Pendant La Guerre” (A Love During War) 63min Docu- Drama, Cameroun/D.R.Congo by award winning director Osvalde Lewat- Hallade. Camera and supervision of the sound recording.
“The Peacekeepers” 83min Documentary, Camera Department
- TV-Spot, HIV/SIDA for ONUSIDA and PAM. DoP and Co- production.
2004 Vodacom TV-Spot for D.R.Congo. Camera
2003 “Le corps des femmes: Front cache de la Guerre en RDC” (Women’s Bodies: The Hidden Front Of The War In DRC ) MONUC-Production, shown on TV5. Camera
2002 “MONUC”, “Radio Okapi”, “Garamba National Park”, “ Okapi Breading Station and Epulo-National Park” all D.R.Congo. Camera, Coproduction for UNTV/Turner Foundation
- UNDP and Turner- Foundation projects in Nigeria. Camera
2001 “The eradication of the Guinea Worm in Northern Nigeria” for UNTV/Carter Foundation. Camera, Co-production.
- “The Afghan crisis”, the difficult situation of refugees in Herat/Afghanistan” for UNTV/WHO. Camera and Co-production.
- “A German soccer trainer in Teheran” for HR. Camera and Coproduction
- “Emergency manager in Herat” for DW. Camera Co-production.
- Portraits about the Mexico-City film and music scene for ARTE. Camera and Co-production.
1998 “The difficult situation of Tajik women” a “UN in Action”- film at the Chicago TV-festival
1992 “Costalero” best Newcomer short-documentary-film at Hannover Film festival, Germany
1990 - 1994 HFF/Film TV-Academy, Potsdam-Babelsberg, Germany
Cinematography Guest Student and Tutor for Cinematography and Animation
1983 - 1985 University of Cologne, Germany
English studies, Psychology, Zoology, Studium Generale
- News Shooter / Video Journalist
- Documentary DP
- Commercial DP
- Corporate Videographer
- Field Producer
- Production Company
- Fixer