Oscar L.
Sedona, AZ 86336, USA
$500 - $2000
Work Experience:
- Reported from 10 countries and 15 cities.
- Reporter and video editor for The Real News (2010 to 2019).
- Visual creative, “The Empire Files” with Abby Martin, I (visualy) created a 30
minutes show a week, including an abundance of graphics in After Effect,
Illustrator & Photoshop. (2015-2017)
- Visual creative of “Days of Revolt” with Chris Hedges and “The Global African”
with Bill Fletcher (2014 to 2015)
- US Associated Correspondent for Telesur (continent-wide broadcast) in over
12 US cities, more than 40 newscast reports and 25 full special documentary
features on air. (2010 - 2013)
- Editor in Chief for “The Positive Side on Life” on Channel 3 in Arizona. (2010)
- Video Manager at Illuma Studio in Scottsdale. (2008 -2010)
- Local reporter and eventually US Correspondent for La Television – Ecuavisa -
Gamavisión, (Sunday 8pm prime time slot). (2005 - 2015).
- Director, “Motor X”, Canal Uno, Saturday 7pm slot. (2003-2005)
- Creative Editor, Unpixel DV production agency in Quito Ecuador. (2002/2005)
- Media Producer for CEIME, (Gender NGO) Quito. Ecuador (1996 - 2002)
Notable achievements & Awards:
-4 documentary-magazine mini series “Motor X” (I started from scratch) reached continental
TV including North and South America via Telesur & El Garaje TV 2006 - 2012.
-First Price for: Best Documentary, Best Script and Best Post Production with “Cancer
Social” on the “Flora Tristan” Film Festival, Lima, Peru 1996 about Gender Violence.
-Finalist “Migrations Film festival” Radio Canada, NY 2010.
-Lectures, Zaki Gordon Institute of Film 2005 & 2012, NAU (Flagstaff) 2011, National
Bolivar Theater, Caracas -Venezuela & National Bolivar Square, Bogota - Colombia 2012
-Interviewed in international press outlets as RT, Telemundo, Univision, Telesur, Press
TV, Radio Canada.
Education & Skills:
- Bachelor on Arts & Media (San Francisco de Quito University)
- Camera, Video & Photography: Light (CEDEP 1990),Camera
(CEDEP 1990) USFQ 2003
Education & Skills:
- Bachelor of Arts & Media (San Francisco de Quito University)
- Camera, Video & Photography: Light (CEDEP 1990),Camera
(CEDEP 1990) USFQ 2003
Film Editing studies: Betacam (CEDEP 1990) All Adobe, Digital Avid
and Final Cut ( USFQ 2000 ) Adobe (online self education)
Digital Art: Quito Institute for the Visual Arts (IAVQ), 4 years on Illustration
and Graphic Design. San Francisco de Quito University(USFQ),
2 years of software training.
Script: CEDEP 1990, Universidad Católica 1996, and USFQ 2001.
Sound: Bachelor in Arts (USFQ), including musical production, recording,
mixing, Direct Sound, Electronic Music, Post Production, Sequencing
and Sampling (IMC San Francisco de Quito University & CEDEP
1990 - 2000 )
Software skills:
Video (Editing and Post): Adobe After Effects, Adobe Premiere, Final
Cut Pro, Avid, Motion, Boris Red Pro.
Graphic Design Software: Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe
In Design, Corel Painter, Quark X-press.
Web: Flash & WordPress
Audio Software: Pro Tools, Reason, Digital Performer, Sound Edit,
T-Racks, Soundtrack, Logic Pro, Sound Studio, Qubase, Maschine 2 and
Adobe Audition.
English and Spanish bilingual.
- News Shooter / Video Journalist
- Video Editor - News
- Reporter / Journalist
- Documentary DP
- Creative Director
- TV News Producer
- Translator
- Video Editor - Documentary
- Motion Graphics Designer
- Sound Designer
- Editorial Photographer / Photojournalist
- On-Air Reporter / Host
- Fixer
- Production Assistant
- Video Editor - Commercial
- Senior Producer / Project Manager
- Mobile Journalist / Livestreamer
- Drone Operator
- Non-Fiction Film Director
- Animator / Visual Effects Artist
- Sound Mixer
- Field Producer
- Copywriter
- Copy Editor